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Flag signals

at Pistenclub trackdays

At our events, the safety of all participants is our top priority. That's why we rely on the trained and experienced marshals of the track safety team on all tracks. The marshals are equipped with flags to provide you with all the important information during the drive.

Important to know

During Driver training sessions, not all marshals are usually manned. Therefore, always drive responsibly and react appropriately to events even if no flag is (yet) displayed.

Some tracks are equipped with light signals, which are used instead of or in addition to flag signals.

  • Look out for manned marshals on your warm-up lap and memorise the positions. This way you will know later where flags can be shown.
  • The instructions and signals of the course safety staff must be followed explicitly and unconditionally! Failure to comply with the instructions may drive you out of the event.

Red flag

Interruption, cancellation or end of driving session
  • Reduce your speed to 80 km/h and drive into the pit lane immediately.
  • Overtaking is prohibited.
  • Be prepared to swerve or stop, as the track may be completely blocked.

Yellow flag

Danger next to or on the track
  • Reduce your speed significantly.
  • Overtaking is prohibited.
  • Be prepared to swerve or stop, as the track may be completely blocked.

FCY - Full Course Yellow

Danger next to or on the track

On some tracks there are full course yellow phases if necessary (e.g. in the event of prolonged recovery work).

  • The same rules apply as for yellow flags, but for the entire track and not just individual sections.
  • The speed limit is 60 km/h or 80 km/h depending on the track.

White flag

Slower vehicle on the track
  • Significantly slower vehicle on the track.
  • A damaged vehicle or a recovery vehicle may be driving on the following section of the route.

Green flag

End of the previously indicated danger
  • The danger is over, the yellow flag rules have been cancelled with immediate effect.

Yellow and red striped flag

‘Oil flag’
  • Indication of poor grip on the road surface, e.g. due to oil, coolant, dirt or the sudden onset of rain.
  • Be prepared to reduce your speed if necessary.

Blue flag

Faster vehicle from behind
  • A faster vehicle is approaching from behind.
  • Let the faster vehicle overtake at the next opportunity.

Black flag

Violation of driving rules / clarification with an instructor required
  • Your vehicle is too loud, there is a visible defect in your vehicle or you have not complied with the driving rules.
  • Head for the pit lane at the end of the lap. One of our instructors will be waiting for you at the entrance to the pit lane or in front of the Pistenclub to clarify the incident.

Black and white chequered flag

End of the driving session
  • Complete your lap at reduced speed and drive into the pits at the end of the lap.
  • Overtaking is prohibited.