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Give away a voucher

Redeemable at all events

Invite friends or relatives to a trackday, treat them to Active Coaching, a DMSB licence course or contribute to the entry fees for one of our events in an amount of your choice. We will be happy to create an individual gift voucher for you.
Guided laps


Guided laps to learn the ideal racing line.

  • Guided laps
Active Coaching


Individual coaching during our trackdays.

  • Guided laps
  • Active Coaching


Licensing course to obtain the DMSB Level National A racing licence.

  • Guided laps
  • Active Coaching
  • Licensing course


Freely redeemable at events and bookable options.

  • Registration fee
  • Guided laps
  • Active Coaching
  • Licensing course

Frequently asked questions

How do I redeem the voucher?

The voucher can be redeemed at all our events. All the recipient has to do is enter the voucher code when booking and the amount will be charged immediately.

If there is still credit left over afterwards, the code can be entered as often as necessary until the credit is used up.

How can I pay for the voucher?

Please transfer the amount stated in the order form to our account and state Gift Voucher in the reason for payment.

  • Bank details

    €-transfers: Sparkasse Krefeld
    IBAN: DE66 3205 0000 0018 0122 45

    CHF-transfers: Basler Kantonalbank
    IBAN: CH60 0077 0016 5470 5526 8

Who receives the voucher?

In the order form, you can decide whether you would like us to send the printed voucher directly to the recipient or whether you would prefer to give the voucher personally.

How long does it take to get the voucher?

Once we have received your payment, we will process your order within the next 2 working days. If you want us to send the voucher by post, add another 1 - 2 working days.

Order a gift voucher

Who gives away the voucher?
Who receives the voucher?
Where can we send the voucher? *