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Trackday Circuit Zandvoort

Monday, 07.10.2024

Information about the event

Circuit Zandvoort

The roller coaster in the dunes

The Circuit Zandvoort, located directly on the beach facing the North Sea, is one of the highlights in our calendar. The traditional circuit was opened in 1948 and has been rebuilt several times since then. The current layout has existed since 1999 and is constantly being adapted to meet the latest safety regulations. Most recently, two steep turns were added in 2021 to bring Formula 1 back to the track in the dunes.

Voraussetzungen zur Teilnahme

  • Fahrzeug:

    Tracktaugliches Fahrzeug in technisch einwandfreiem Zustand

  • Fahrer:

    Gültiger Führerschein der Klasse B

  • Sicherheitsausrüstung:

    Helmpflicht für Fahrer und Beifahrer

  • Haftungsverzicht:

    Nach der Buchung ist eine Haftungsausschlusserklärung zu unterschreiben

  • Regelwerk:

Driver training on a track that is closed to public traffic during the event. The purpose of the event is not to achieve top speeds or to determine the shortest riding time, but to optimise riding skills and technique. The aim of the event is to improve riding safety for road traffic.

Online booking is no longer possible. However, there are still places available, please contact us by phone or our team on site.
  • Date of the event
    Monday, 7. October 2024
  • Start of the event
    09:00 Uhr
  • End of the event
    17:00 Uhr
  • Price per vehicle
    from 590€
  • Groups
    There are two groups by turns, divided into road legal vehicles and non-road legal vehicles.
  • Noise limit
    98 dB(A)
  • Trackday support

    Tyre pressure service, tyre sales and mounting, brake service with fluid change, emergency repairs, suspension / damper setup, helmet rental, lubricants.
    Please pre-order tyres and spare parts.

3 °C

  • clear sky
  • Thursday
    6 °C/6 °C weather-icon
  • Friday
    9 °C/9 °C weather-icon
  • Saturday
    8 °C/7 °C weather-icon
  • Sunday
    7 °C/8 °C weather-icon


  • 08:00
    Registration in the Pistenclub box
  • Participants with Guided Laps
    • Until 08:30 Line-up of the vehicles in the pit lane, followed by the instructions for the Guided Laps
    • 09:00 Guided Laps
    • 09:30 Drivers briefing
  • Participants without Guided Laps / Only free driving
    • 09:00 Drivers briefing
  • 09:40 - 12:30
    Free driving
    Alternating in 2 groups
  • 12:30 - 13:00
    Lunch break
  • 13:00 - 17:00
    Free driving
    Alternating in 2 groups
  • Subject to change. As a registered participant, we will send you the final schedule by email shortly before the event. Please be on site time to avoid long waiting times at the registration desk.

Subject to change without notice. As a registered participant, you will receive the final schedule by e-mail shortly before the event. Please arrive on time to avoid long waiting times at the registration desk.

Circuit Zandvoort

Legendäre Rennstrecke in den Dünen der Nordseeküste

Der Circuit Zandvoort ist eine traditionsreiche Rennstrecke an der niederländischen Nordseeküste. Seit seiner Eröffnung 1948 hat die 4,3 km lange Strecke zahlreiche Motorsportveranstaltungen beherbergt, darunter die Formel 1, die seit 2021 wieder regelmäßig dort gastiert. Charakteristisch für die Strecke sind schnelle, flüssige Kurven, starke Höhenunterschiede und die spektakulären Steilkurven Hugenholtzbocht und Arie Luyendykbocht. Durch seine Lage in den Dünen bietet der Kurs eine besondere Herausforderung für Fahrer, da Wind und Sand die Gripverhältnisse beeinflussen. Der Circuit Zandvoort ist ein beliebter Austragungsort für nationale und internationale Rennserien sowie Trackdays und Fahrerlebnisse.

Infos zur Strecke